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  • Natural Health Strategy Session Invitation

Most people find me through a recommendation from an alternative health advisor or medical advisor.
I know you have questions about products, diet and more…
However, before we have a phone conversation, I would like you to fill out my six page questionnaire.
Your answers will give me background information about your situation.
After reviewing your answers on the questionnaire, I may email you additional questions. If you ask me specific questions in the space provided on the questionnaire or in attachment(s), I may answer them by email in advance of our phone conversation.
I will gladly gift you 20 minutes of my time over the phone. For most people this has been enough for me to give them the guidance they need. If you require more than 20 minutes of phone conversation I will expect compensation.
The following are the crucial areas I have the most experience in:

  • Enzymes
  • Detoxing
  • Diet and supplementation
  • Trauma (Stress) Emotional, Physical or Chemical

Download your free invitation and instructions here:
If you are taking any pharmaceuticals please download and read this important guide:
In order to give you my very best guidance, the Pre-Coaching questionnaire will allow me to question you and collect your answers, study them and when we speak I will have time to create any additional questions in advance.
Please feel free to provide any other information you are willing to share with me to help you, blood tests and anything else you want to share with me to assist in understanding your specific health challenge.
Download the required Pre-Coaching Questions here:

After you complete the questionnaire and we speak, please do not hesitate to ask me any question via Skype or the message link in the corner of the this web page.

Dale Maxwell,
Disease Recovery Coach

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