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  • Biofeedback Strategies for Hormonal Cancers

Hormonal Cancers

Consider the underpinnings of hormonal cancers to be very much aligned with the principles we have been reviewing throughout the last 5 weeks. For both men and women, these include

• Estrogen dominance
• Progesterone deficiency or issues with testosterone metabolism/outright deficiency for men. • Adrenal imbalance – often as a result of stress in one’s life.

Other contributing factors to consider, which are common in many cancers include the following:

  • Nutrient status – including mineral and antioxidant levels
  • Toxic exposures
  • Digestive health
  • Liver health
  • Stress level – in your intake as a key question, “Has anything of particularly high-stress level occurred in the past year?”
  • Immune status
  • Emotional health – community, healthy relationships, happiness, family.
  • Belief system – does the client believe they can get better?

    Cancer Incidence

    To no one’s surprise, cancer has been on the rise in the Western World. One group of the most rapidly growing cancers is those of a hormonal nature. In particular, breast cancer and prostate cancer are those that are of high incidence with ovarian and uterine cancers being less prevalent.

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