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Body Detoxification

Written by Dr. William Donald Kelley DDS and Dale Maxwell, NLP

Before any disease can be cured, the waste products and impurities must be cleansed from the body.

The sooner this is done, the sooner the body can begin repairing itself.

In reality, a person very rarely dies of cancer. It is always starvation and toxicity. As the malignant tumor grows it gives off waste products, which must be eliminated through the colon, liver, kidneys, lungs and skin. These waste products accumulate and gradually overburden the body. Most persons then die of toxemia. Before any disease can be cured, the waste products and impurities must be cleansed from the body. The sooner this is done, the sooner the body can begin repairing itself.

Dr. Kelley recommends that you begin the detoxification process even before you have the nutritional supplements in your possession. It is absolutely imperative that the patient carefully follow the detoxification process after the supplements begin stimulating the release of waste and debris.

Scientists have calculated that a person has between 70 and 100 trillion cells in his or her body. This means we have over 70 trillion “garbage cans” needing to be emptied. In our culture we have not made allowances for, nor taught ourselves, the proper techniques of emptying these waste receptacles. It is no wonder that the people of our nation are so sick! Proper and thorough detoxification is just as important as good nutrition for anyone who has lived in the mainstream of a modern technological civilization for 10 or more years, and especially for anyone who has developed symptoms of a chronic degenerative disease.

The intensive program of concentrated nutrients outlined in this book will begin to make nutritional factors available to the cells, which they may not have had for many years. Consequently, cellular metabolism will speed up and an increased amount of metabolic waste will be dumped into the bloodstream. Most people’s organs of elimination do not function well enough to handle this increase in waste. If it accumulates in the bloodstream, one will not feel well and the cells will not be able to utilize the fresh nutrients being provided by the nutritional program.

When one eats food, it is digested in the mouth, stomach, and intestinal tract. In the intestinal tract, the digested food is absorbed into the bloodstream, which delivers the nutrition to each individual cell. The nutrition, along with oxygen, is transferred into the cell.

In the cell, nutrients are metabolized into energy, carbon dioxide, water, and waste products of metabolism. It is the accumulation of the waste, which frequently interferes with the normal function of the cells.

Principal factors necessary for a pure bloodstream are pure air, pure water, pure food, and the presence of oxygen brought in by exercise appropriate to your cardiovascular capacity.

As the cells produce metabolic debris, the blood carries it to the organs of detoxification. These organs are the liver, kidneys, lungs, skin, many of the mucous membranes, and the colon. If these organs of detoxification are themselves filled with debris, they of course cannot accept any more debris (toxins). In such a case, the blood cannot accept further debris from the cells and, before long, there are 70 to 100 trillion garbage cans completely full.

It is like the city dump being filled to capacity and not accepting any more garbage trucks. Then one’s home becomes overloaded with garbage, which shortly interferes with normal functions of one’s household. Before long, the entire community has become bogged down. “Clean blood” then, acting as a highway for the garbage trucks, is dependent upon the organs of detoxification.

The Master Gland of Detoxification

The liver is the major organ of detoxification, and also the most stressed by our modern lifestyle. One cannot live long without the heart, brain, kidneys, or pancreas, yet it is proper liver function, which prevents these organs from becoming diseased.

Here, in addition to metabolic wastes, is where environmental contamination, food additives, and all other chemical pollutants are removed from the body.

You should be just as much or more concerned about the condition of your liver as about the condition of your heart. If you have had hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, infectious mononucleosis, or other liver damage, you should become very protective of this vital organ. The intake of anything that places undue stress on the liver should be eliminated entirely.

Such a list would include: chemicals of any kind; drugs; synthetic foods; artificial food additives, such as flavorings, colorings, preservatives, emulsifiers, stabilizers, sweeteners; alcoholic beverages; carbonated beverages; hair sprays; chemical deodorants; and reheated vegetable oils used in frying, commercial pastries, and most fast foods. (Unrefined oils, or butter for sautéing, can be used without creating peroxides and free radicals, which are toxic to the liver.)

Major functions of this incredibly complex organ include:

Metabolizing essential fats (cholesterol, triglycerides, lipoproteins) and thus preventing their accumulation in the bloodstream where they often form deposits on blood vessel walls (atherosclerosis).

  • Synthesizing the bulk of necessary blood proteins.

  • Breaking down and eliminating most drugs and environmental poisons.
    Secreting a fluid (bile) which stores in the gall bladder or the enlarged bile duct and empties into the small intestine.

  • The bile acts as a carrier for all liver wastes. It is also essential for the proper digestion and assimilation of fats and all fat-soluble nutrients such as vitamins A, D, E, K, lecithin, and essential fatty acids. The gall bladder is a hollow muscular organ which stores and concentrates bile and is attached to the undersurface of the liver.

When a meal is eaten, especially if it contains some fats or oils, the gall bladder is stimulated to contract and should freely expel its contents into the small intestine to emulsify fatty nutrients for proper absorption, and to allow poisonous wastes which the liver has removed from the body to be eliminated through the intestines.?

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Liver Congestion

Many people living in our society today, even those in their teens, fail to have free, unobstructed flow of bile from the liver and gall bladder in response to food entering the small intestine. Eating refined or processed foods, eating fresh food which is mineral deficient because it is grown on depleted or chemically treated soil, lack of regular vigorous exercise, stress, multiple distractions during meals, and many other unnatural aspects of our lifestyle have combined to alter the chemistry of bile so that formation of solid particles from bile components is a commonplace occurrence among Americans.
These solid particles remain in the gall bladder or the base of the liver for many years and become progressively harder, sometimes calcifying into “gallstones.” Long before this occurs, however, metabolic problems are under way. When a significant number of solid bile particles accumulate, the free flow of the gallbladder is diminished, causing progressive stagnation and congestion of the liver. The body begins to suffer the effects of poor assimilation of fat-soluble nutrients, which may play a role in the development of eczema, psoriasis, dry skin, falling hair, tendonitis,

If one is a severe hypoglycemic, is diabetic, or has difficulty tolerating the juice or cider, he or she may take 20 drops of Phos-A with each meal (90 drops daily) in water or some type of juice other than apple. Due to the high acidity, it is wise that one brush his teeth or rinse out his mouth with Milk of Magnesia or baking soda solution after taking the ortho-phosphoric acid.
At noon on the sixth day, one should eat a normal lunch. Two hours after lunch, 1 or 2 tablespoons of Epsom salt (magnesium sulfate) dissolved in 1 to 3 ounces of warm filtered, distilled, reverse osmosis water should be taken. The taste may be objectionable to some. If so, the mixture can be followed by a little citrus juice if desired (freshly squeezed if possible).
1. Four hours after lunch, one should take a 1-quart coffee enema with one-fourth (1/4) cup of Epsom salt dissolved in it. This should be retained for 15 minutes and expelled.

The coffee should be made as strong as one can tolerate but no stronger than 6 tablespoons of ground coffee per quart of water.
2. Five hours after lunch take 1 tablespoon of Epsom salt, dissolved as the previous dose (Step 3).
3. Six or seven hours after lunch, one may fast if desired. However, it is preferable to have a fresh fruit salad with shipped cream, using as many fresh fruits or berries in season as possible. The whipped cream is necessary to cause gall bladder contractions. Use heavy, unpasteurized whipping cream as a dressing on the salad, whipped with a little raw (unheated) honey if desired. One can eat as much as desired of the whipped-cream-covered salad. If fresh fruit is unavailable, frozen berries such as strawberries, blueberries, boysenberries, blackberries, raspberries, etc. can be used. These should also be covered with whipped cream and a large portion eaten. Take citrus fruit or juice after the cream and fruit meal, if desired. For hypoglycemics, the cream should balance the fruit. However, each hypoglycemic should adjust the amount of salad eaten to his individual tolerance.
4. At bedtime, there can be 1 of 3 choices (Note: Olive oil stimulates the gall bladder and bile duct to contract powerfully, thus expelling solid particles kept in storage for years.

All juice should be freshly squeezed if possible):

liver cleanse book

liver cleanse book

Note: Flax Oil is what Dr Kelley Marketed as Formula F.

A. Take one-half (1/2) cup of unrefined olive oil or 6 tablespoons of Formula F followed by a small amount of orange, grapefruit, or lemon juice if the oil taste is objectionable.
B. Take one-half (1/2) cup of unrefined olive oil or 6 tablespoons of Formula F blended with one-half (1/2) cup of orange, grapefruit, or diluted lemon juice.
C. Take 4 tablespoons of unrefined olive oil or 4 tablespoons of Formula F
3. Placing a hot water bottle over the liver area (under the right ribcage) during the night also helps relieve nausea.
Note: One should not be frightened by the above references to nausea, vomiting, soreness of the abdomen, etc. Chances are that the symptoms won’t be severe enough to cause vomiting or soreness of the abdomen, as this happens only very rarely. Many people complete this procedure with minimal discomfort, and nearly everyone feels much better after completing it. Flushing the liver and gall bladder in the manner described (if the gall bladder is present) stimulates and cleans these organs as no other process does.
Oftentimes, persons suffering for years from gallstones, lack of appetite, biliousness, backaches, nausea, and a host of other complaints will find gallstone-type objects in the stool the day following the flush. These objects are light to dark green in color, very irregular in shape, gelatinous in texture, and of sizes varying from “grape seed” size to “cherry” size. If there seems to be a large number of these objects in the stool, the flush should be repeated in 2 weeks.


After The Liver-Gall Bladder Flush a fast may be started. The fast should last one or two days. We are now giving the body a rest and an opportunity to cleanse itself of much waste on the individual cell level. Each day of the fast one quart of fresh carrot juice and one pint of celery juice should be taken, along with all the distilled or filtered water desired. It is best to dilute the fresh juice with equal parts of water.

It is important to remember that unless sufficient fluids are taken the poisons become concentrated and are not eliminated in the natural way

Books on Fasting that I would recommend:

I have not yet completed all the books from Prof Arnold Ehret link out to the list of his books on Amazon

The audiobook below is the first one I experienced and I recommend you start with.

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