20 Plus Years Experience Helping Cancer Patients
Dale has been coaching since 1970
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Dale's Hobbies and Volunteer Work
Volunteered to man booth at Walnut Festival to benefit Beta Sigma Fi, not my sorority, family contact needed help.
Volunteered to run the first DeskTop Publishing Group, part of the computer sciences department, University California Berkeley (Macintosh 128).
Ran monthly meetings for two years.I created and sold one of my first “how to” courses for and to the members teaching them how to market their services to local businesses. It was called, “Circle Marketing.” Synopsis of the book was to draw three concentric circles around your location and select businesses inside each circle. Market to each circle in turn, then repeat. Club members got new customers and made money (Yea, college students making money!).
Volunteered to run the Local Delta Group for three years. Ran monthly meetings, contacted and invited national and local speakers to come in and teach the group about investing.
I taught members how to use and operate financial calculators to empower them to understand investments and returns. Served as Master of Ceremonies, published the group’s monthly newsletter, and analyzed deals for members.
Volunteered at County Fair booth for Bay Area Woodworkers Association http://bayareawoodworkers.org/.