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Tag: vegan diet
Kelley Enzymes VS USP Enzymes
For those who have been told they have cancer, following a modified Kelley Metabolic program. In this modified version we use Pancreatin USP to be taken thirty minutes prior to eating.
Understanding the differences between Dr. Kelley Enzymes and USP enzymes. Kelley enzymes start with the entire organic New Zeland porcine pancreas gland. Freeze Dried with additional chymotrypsin. The USP enzyme is highly refined only contain:
lipase xxx USP units
protease xxx USP units
amylase xxx USP unitsThe balance of the materials extracted via chemical breakdown is typically sold on to digest clogged drains.
I recommend the Kelley Enzymes taken well away from food three times each day 12 capsules each time for a total of thirty-six capsules (twenty-seven grams.) These enzymes are porcine from New Zealand.
And in addition, thirty minutes prior to eating take nine grams of pancreatin USP to assist in digesting the food. It is important to support your body in completely digesting and extracting all the nutrition from the food you consume. These enzymes are porcine primarily from New Zealand although we cannot guarantee origination.
- You will also need to take coffee enemas as needed.
- Enjoy a vegan diet for at least two months, then as much as five percent animal by calories.
- Practice emotional stress reduction process daily.
- Probiotics reinoculation is essential if you have ingested any pharmaceuticals or you were born cesarean.
From Wikipedia Explaining more about what the differences are.
The pancreas is both an endocrine and an exocrine gland, in that it functions to produce endocrinic hormones released into the circulatory system (such as insulin, and glucagon), to control glucose metabolism, and also to secrete digestive/exocrinic pancreatic juice, which is secreted eventually via the pancreatic duct into duodenum. A digestive or exocrine function of pancreas is as significant to the maintenance of health as its endocrine function.
Two of the population of cells in the pancreatic parenchyma make up its digestive enzymes:
- Ductal cells: Mainly responsible for the production of bicarbonate (HCO3), which acts to neutralize the acidity of the stomach chyme entering duodenum through the pylorus. Ductal cells of the pancreas are stimulated by the hormone secretin to produce their bicarbonate-rich secretions, in what is, in essence, a bio-feedback mechanism; highly acidic stomach chyme entering the duodenum stimulates duodenal cells called “S cells” to produce the hormone secretin and release to the bloodstream. Secretin having entered the blood eventually comes into contact with the pancreatic ductal cells, stimulating them to produce their bicarbonate-rich juice. Secretin also inhibits production of gastrin by “G cells”, and also stimulates acinar cells of the pancreas to produce their pancreatic enzyme.
- Acinar cells: Mainly responsible for the production of the inactive pancreatic enzymes (zymogens) that, once present in the small bowel, become activated and perform their major digestive functions by breaking down proteins, fat, and DNA/RNA. Acinar cells are stimulated by cholecystokinin (CCK), which is a hormone/neurotransmitter produced by the intestinal cells (I cells) in the duodenum. CCK stimulates the production of the pancreatic zymogens.
Pancreatic juice, composed of the secretions of both ductal and acinar cells, is made up of the following digestive enzymes:[2]
- Trypsinogen, which is an inactive(zymogenic) protease that, once activated in the duodenum into trypsin, breaks down proteins at the basic amino acids. Trypsinogen is activated via the duodenal enzyme enterokinase into its active form trypsin.
- Chymotrypsinogen, which is an inactive (zymogenic) protease that, once activated by duodenal enterokinase, turns into chymotrypsin and breaks down proteins at their aromatic amino acids. Chymotrypsinogen can also be activated by trypsin.
- Carboxypeptidase, which is a protease that takes off the terminal amino acid group from a protein
- Several elastases that degrade the protein elastin and some other proteins.
- Pancreatic lipase that degrades triglycerides into fatty acids and glycerol.
- Sterol esterase
- Phospholipase
- Several nucleases that degrade nucleic acids, like DNAase and RNAase
- Pancreatic amylase that breaks down starch and glycogen which are alpha-linked glucose polymers. Humans lack the cellulases to digest the carbohydrate cellulose which is a beta-linked glucose polymer.
Pancreas’s exocrine function owes part of its immaculate function to bio-feedback mechanisms controlling the secretion of its juice. The following significant pancreatic bio-feedback mechanisms are essential to the maintenance of pancreatic juice balance/production:[3]
- Secretin, a hormone produced by the duodenal “S cells” in response to the stomach chyme containing high hydrogen atom concentration (high acidity), is released into the bloodstream; upon return to the digestive tract, secretion decreases gastric emptying, increases secretion of the pancreatic ductal cells, as well as stimulating pancreatic acinar cells to release their zymogenic juice.
- Cholecystokinin (CCK) is a unique peptide released by the duodenal “I cells” in response to chyme containing high fat or protein content. Unlike secretin, which is an endocrine hormone, CCK actually works via stimulation of a neuronal circuit, the end result of which is stimulation of the acinar cells to release their content. CCK also increases gallbladder contraction, resulting in bile squeezed into the cystic duct, common bile duct and eventually the duodenum. Bile, of course, helps absorption of the fat by emulsifying it, increasing its absorptive surface. Bile is made by the liver but is stored in the gallbladder.
- Gastric inhibitory peptide (GIP) is produced by the mucosal duodenal cells in response to chyme containing high amounts of carbohydrate, proteins, and fatty acids. The main function of GIP is to decrease gastric emptying.
- Somatostatin is a hormone produced by the mucosal cells of the duodenum and also the “delta cells” of the pancreas. Somatostatin has a major inhibitory effect, including on pancreatic production.