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Considering Biopsy
Behavior or Doctors is many times, less than honorable (even dishonest and worse).
The two reasons that Doctors are placing these unnatural and toxic markers in women, normalizing the practice of removing tissue and leaving a piece of metal (think shrapnel) behind in preparation to going back to cut out tissue (mastectomy or lumpectomy) are more money and the next surgery.
These quotes from a “reputable” site (started by a Medical Doctor) link below.
Titanium marker clips are regularly used to mark the spot where a breast biopsy has been done. If the biopsy comes back positive, the surgeon uses the clip to guide him to the exact spot where the cancerous cells were found. In years gone by, surgeons would typically perform a mastectomy if cancer cells were present in the breast; these days, the treatment – lumpectomy – is much more conservative, with only a small part of the breast being removed: the immediate area where cancer was found.
Sometimes the surgeon will inform you ahead of time if a clip will be inserted; but many times, it’s simply considered a necessary part of the surgery, and isn’t discussed. Titanium is an inert substance, and shouldn’t cause a reaction. However, some women do seem to have pain, soreness, discoloration, and other side effects from this clip.
** Comment and warning by Dale, If you decide on a biopsy, you must be specific (in writing) with your wishes and limitations, since according to this site, about 85% of biopsies are negative. You do not want marker left in your body.
Since the clip is bothering you, see if you can have it removed. Surgeons are often reluctant to go back in and take it out, fearing complications from another surgery. But it’s your right to have it done; so advocate for yourself until you find a surgeon who’ll perform the removal for you.
Luckily, about 85% of biopsies are negative; no cancer. But you have to go through the procedure anyway. And it nearly always involves leaving a small marker, or clip, in the exact area biopsied.
Why? If cancer is present, and further surgery is needed, the surgeon will be able to go back to that exact spot to remove the tumor – which could be tiny, perhaps as small as 1/16”. Thus the need for a marker.
The marker is small – about the size of a sesame seed. It’s made of titanium, a “biocompatible metal” – it won’t react with anything in your body. It also won’t set off security alarms at the airport, interfere with future MRIs, or cause any other problems.